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 VAT processing in newly established company

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nervisn Posted - Oct 06 2024 : 21:53:41
When acquiring a newly established company, how is the VAT processing managed during the transition period, and what steps are taken to ensure there are no issues with monthly VAT returns before my own accountant takes over?

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nervisn Posted - Oct 11 2024 : 02:06:41
Thanks for recommending Ready Made DPH! I’m interested in their services and will definitely explore the site more. Having a VAT-registered company ready to go sounds perfect for immediate operations. Do they help with transitioning the VAT filings to a new accountant easily?

schoos Posted - Oct 06 2024 : 21:59:08
When acquiring a newly established company, especially one that is already a VAT payer, the key to seamless operation lies in the smooth transition of VAT processing. From the moment of purchase, the company’s monthly VAT returns or zero VAT returns are handled professionally by our team. This ensures compliance with all legal requirements and prevents any disruptions in reporting. Our service includes sending processed VAT returns to the relevant authorities until the new accountant is fully set up with electronic communication access to the tax office. This guarantees continuity and eliminates the risk of errors during the critical early stages of business activity.

Additionally, we provide more than just paperwork management. Our ready-made dph https://veracons.sk come with comprehensive support, including the transfer of VAT payer status to the new owner. We ensure that all monthly VAT and tax statements are submitted in accordance with Act 431/2002 Coll., the Accountancy Act, maintaining full compliance until your accountant assumes responsibility. With this level of service, the transition period is streamlined, giving business owners the freedom to focus on other essential operations without worrying about potential tax complications.