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 How to Import Outlook PST file to Apple Mail?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
anisa paul Posted - Sep 13 2024 : 05:06:53
If you want to import Outlook PST files to Apple Mail, consider using the eSoftTools PST to MBOX Converter software. Apple Mail is a free mail application, and users can make the process easier by using this software, which offers many extra features to assist with importing files and folders quickly. This software also works with multipurpose users, initially converting their Outlook PST files into MBOX data. The tool is able to fulfill all the requirements of our users.

Know more - Import Outlook PST file to Apple Mail

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
angelicagracious Posted - Dec 29 2024 : 23:08:11
To import PST File to Apple Mail without requiring Outlook, you can use the Aryson Mac PST Converter. This tool offers a reliable and secure method for opening PST files in a Thunderbird account. It ensures that email data, formatting, and folder structure are maintained during the conversion process. Additionally, the software supports the import of both ANSI and UNICODE PST files without any data loss. It is available for free download on both Mac and Windows operating systems.
myselftrisha92 Posted - Sep 25 2024 : 23:06:16
Converting an MBOX file into PST format will take hours of work and need technical skills. However, you can not achieve it by the manual process because it allows only one MBOX file conversion at once. Therefore you have to consider a third party software to perform these tasks. Here am recommending Stellar Converter for MBOX software to convert multiple MBOX to PST. https://www.stellarinfo.com/email-tools/mbox-to-pst-converter.php

Let's know how to use this software
1. Download Stellar Converter for MBOX, install, register and launch
2. Now, select the mail client which you want to convert from the dialogue box. (Here I am selecting Apple Mail )
3. Now Click on
4. Now click on the Select File/Folder dialogue box
5. Now select ‘Apple Mail Folder’ that contain multiple MBOX files
6. Now, you can see a preview of all Mailbox Emails with Email Items
7. Click on Save Converted Mailboxes
8. Here, select save as a new Outlook PST file and browse the location you want to save the converted mailbox file.

Trisha Agarwal