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 LGBT community

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
endy5 Posted - Aug 20 2024 : 03:10:46
How do you feel about social media campaigns that support the LGBT community?
Hi everyone! Lately I've been seeing more and more often on social networks various campaigns aimed at supporting the LGBT community. To be honest, I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, it is important to support equality and freedom of expression, but on the other hand, it seems that sometimes it is done more for ticking boxes than for real help. I've noticed especially a lot of such campaigns on major platforms. Do you think such campaigns really do some good or is it just marketing?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Ben4354 Posted - Aug 29 2024 : 13:14:44
I would also add Instagram, where many activists and organisations use the platform to promote LGBT+ rights. They organise various Challenges and launch hashtags to draw attention to important issues. Through such initiatives, users can feel part of something bigger and get support from people from all over the world.
veron Posted - Aug 29 2024 : 12:30:16
In my opinion, a lot depends on how the campaign is implemented. There are cases when the support looks sincere and aimed at making a real difference. For example, I recently saw an initiative to celebrate Lesbian Day - it was organised by the Taimi platform. They ran a powerful campaign called #OutAndProud, which not only showed support for the LGBT community, but also engaged people in a discussion about the importance of acceptance and equality. A description of the campaign can be found here: https://medium.com/taimi/outandproud-taimi-celebrates-lesbian-day-with-a-social-media-campaign-e539b729a062 . I think initiatives like this really make a difference, especially when they generate discussion and draw attention to issues.