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 How to choose offshore developers for a startup?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
endy5 Posted - Aug 15 2024 : 00:42:47
Hi everyone!!! I'm launching a startup and I'm looking for a team of developers who can help with building an app. I heard that offshore developers can be a good option. How to choose the right professionals. What should I look for when choosing an offshore team? Are there any proven platforms or tips?

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
DamonLucky Posted - Nov 30 2024 : 08:15:00
Hi! If you are looking for a profitable jurisdiction, I recommend paying attention to Belize and Seychelles - there are minimum taxes and easy registration. The UAE is also a great option if you are planning serious investments, you can get stability and prestige there. There is a lot of information on this topic at https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/forums/offshore-company.13/, I found answers to my questions there. Take a look, it will definitely help!
madison3 Posted - Nov 28 2024 : 03:00:27
Hello everyone! I am thinking of opening an offshore for international business, but it is difficult to choose which jurisdiction is the most profitable now. Which countries can you recommend for minimizing taxes and convenient business management?
Vastris31 Posted - Aug 27 2024 : 06:27:47
Congratulations on launching your startup! Choosing the right offshore development team can be crucial for your project's success. I recommend checking out this guide on offshore mobile app development: https://www.cleveroad.com/blog/offshore-mobile-app-development/. It offers valuable tips on finding reliable developers and ensuring a smooth collaboration
Ben4354 Posted - Aug 15 2024 : 01:04:19
The key is to carefully check reviews and portfolios of potential partners to avoid problems. Local developers may offer more flexibility in changes and be closer in mentality, but if budget is limited, offshore developers are quite a workable option.
veron Posted - Aug 15 2024 : 00:46:32
I've worked with offshore developers and here's what I can say. Offshore developers can indeed offer lower development costs. For example, at https://talmatic.com/offshore-developers/ you can find qualified professionals who can help with the development of your project. However, it's important to keep a few things in mind: time zone differences can make communication difficult, and there's a risk of cultural differences that can affect understanding of requirements. Local specialists, on the other hand, may be easier to communicate with and have a better understanding of the market. All in all, it all depends on the specific project and your preferences.