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 directory of oilfield services

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tbes50203 Posted - Jul 04 2024 : 06:58:53
Hi all, I need an original directory of oilfield services, can't find a solution for about a month now, any help would be appreciated

love cookies
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
EvanDuke Posted - Jul 06 2024 : 01:32:04
Quite an actual question for me, I have been trying to find a suitable option for myself for a long time, but so far without success, I decided to superficially familiarize myself with what you wrote and was pleasantly surprised, the guys really know what they are doing, you helped me out, thank you very much

western uno
thiefcrazy98 Posted - Jul 04 2024 : 23:46:20
I highly recommend https://www.cossd.com/ - it is the #1 guide to energy services in North America. COSSD can be found both online and in print. Here you will find anyone and everyone who works in the oil industry in every position imaginable. The products and services you need from rigs to equipment rentals, catering and uniforms for your crew. They connect buyers and sellers in the oil and gas industry through a mobile site. With an extensive database of oilfield services and supply companies, you'll be able to find any service you need. Just visit our site and all the services and products you need will be at your fingertips. Everything is as clear and convenient as possible, they have hundreds of positive reviews, excellent reputation and the best specialists, I'm sure you will appreciate it!
