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 Splits large PST file

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
HorstHofer Posted - Oct 14 2022 : 04:44:31
Split PST is a reliable and efficient utility used to split Outlook PST files.it provides a wide support to all the editions of Microsoft Outlook.Also, the user can run this software in any Outlook version like Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010, Outlook 2013, Outlook 2016, etc.For an instance, it will create each folder such as Inbox.pst for the inbox folder, contacts.pst for Outlook contacts folder, and so on.The tool provides different options to split PST file. By this option, the user can divide Outlook PST as per their comfort.

  • Splits large PST file based on date, size, email address, etc

  • Supports MS Outlook versions 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, and 2003

  • Allows to create batch file to automate splitting of multiple Outlook data files

Read more :- https://www.osttopstapp.com/split-pst.html
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
kensantiago Posted - May 27 2024 : 01:08:03
If you are facing a problem with breaking large PST files or want to split them, I recommend you use third-party software rather than the manual method because the manual method has lots of restrictions or limitations. Instead, you can use SameTools Split PST File. With the help of this software, you can easily break any size of PST file into smaller parts. All versions of MS Windows are compatible with this software. To learn more, download the free demo version of this program.

more information:- https://www.sametools.com/split/pst/
yunsejon Posted - Apr 24 2024 : 03:40:24
You can split large Outlook PST files by trying the ToolsCrunch Split PST Tool for Mac to split Outlook PST files without wasting any time. It can easily split huge PST files into several PST files. The user can save the created Outlook PST files wherever on their desktop. Most software can effectively split Outlook PST files into numerous PST files. It works with all versions of Windows OS and Mac OS. Installing the software allows you to split large Outlook PST files into a few simple steps. Users can use tools free trial edition to split a few Outlook PST files. It supports all Microsoft Outlook versions.

Read More:- https://www.toolscrunch.com/mac-split-pst.html
mackjons Posted - Apr 23 2024 : 05:57:55
Split large Outlook PST files into smaller pieces. You can try the ToolsBaer Split PST Tool to split Outlook PST files. It easily splits large Outlook PST files without losing data, and it is exceptionally easy to use. The application categorizes Outlook PST files by folder, size, and year. Outlook PST files can be easily stored and password-protected from any location in the software. It works with Microsoft Outlook and all versions of Windows. Outlook's free trial version allows users to split Outlook PST files from prospects without having to install Microsoft Outlook.

Visit Here:- https://www.toolsbaer.com/pst-split/