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 Multiple Email Accounts Revisited Errors

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bruce23 Posted - Mar 03 2012 : 16:20:14
I missed one other error when running multiple instances of MLK. I have found that with this many databases, although I have the program options set for allowing a subscriber to only subscribe to ONE database, at times the subscriber is being added to multiple databases.

However by the same testing, when running ONE instance of MLK with multiple databases, I have not experienced the above problem, nor any of the problems I mentioned in the first posting on Multiple Email Accounts Revisited.

I am hoping your corporate or professional version will address the use of multiple sending email accounts.

Many small companies would also benefit from the ability to send emails from different email domains. This is because most small businesses use shared hosting plans and most shared hosting providers have strict limits as to the number of emails a single domain may send in an hour and often in a day. They require throttling of emails and many also limit domains to databases of over 1000 subscribers, to sending only during off peak hours.

There are many restrictions by providers which would not be an issue with multiple emails sending accounts since each domain is separate.

Food for thought as they say.

I look forward to your response.

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
xequte Posted - Mar 07 2012 : 15:27:34
Hi Bruce

I have replied to this on your other post:


Xequte Software
Bruce23 Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 09:27:45

In a large corporate environment it is impossible to use one instance of MLK for autosending of welcome messages etc. The problem is MLK only allows one email accounts for sending the requests to subscribe when using double opt in and opt out. I have attached the Edit Group window. This would be the ideal spot to be able to select a different email account for sending subscription replies based on the group.

As well, just so you are aware, in the edit group, the welcome message is ALWAYS wrong when running multiple instances of MLK with different databases. It always selects from the DEFAULT GROUP for that database ONLY and not from the group you are editing.
In other words, just to be crystal clear, if you have a database with 6 groups in it, and one is the default, MLK ALWAYS selects from that default group and ignores the edit group selection.

But we can live with this error.

The problem is with the double opt in and out, there is ONLY 1 OUTGOIND email address available. Therefore there is NO CHOICE but to run simultaneous copies of MLK with SEPARATE databases. Let me be very clear on this - THESE ARE TOTALLY SEPARATE DATABASES. These ARE NOT GROUPS, but databases.

Nigel, I just don't know how to be clearer than this. I HAVE 20 TOTAL INDEPENDENT DATABASES RUNNING. It does not work properly with that many databases running on the same machine. There are too many errors including the different copies of MLK loading up the wrong databases. This morning one of the databases is corrupt. You cannot run this many simultaneously on a machine without a degree of errors and when replying to doublt opt in and out, it is very unprofessional when a subscriber gets a confirmation request to a wrong group from a complete wrong database.
Bruce23 Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 09:09:06
Hi Nigel

I guess I am just not explaining this properly. That must be it.

I have 20 total independent databases. I am running 20 different instances of MLK.

Each instance of MLK has different settings. In other words they are set to send and receive on different accounts and have different default databases.

The errors all exist. The fewer databases I run the less errors. 5 databases and there are no errors. Above 5 they start to show up. As the databases each grow to handle over a thousand emails each more errors show.

These errors worsen as more instances of MLK are running simultaneously on the same computer.

I do not know how else to explain this except to say there are 20 total independent databases. There are 20 copies of MLK running those databases sending and receiving.
Each database has a separate default.
The errors I described are everywhere with this many copies running simultaneously.
If I run less than 5 MLK databases at the same time, there are no errors.
ILH Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 09:03:05
Allow me to interject a bit of personal experience here.

We have a similar (but not quite) situation here. I am in a branch that maintains about 29 different mailing lists. The emails are branded as being from my branch as they go out. We have tried to "sell" our services to other branches which would require us to set up other mailboxes so that outlook would use the return addresses and identity of the other branches. Haven't done it yet - however, my preference would be to continue using a single database and ensure that the client information is up-to-date and in one place.

Running a couple of separate instances isn't normally a problem (been there, done that) - but 20? Wow. Good luck with that. :-)

Ian Hubling
xequte Posted - Mar 05 2012 : 02:10:42

Do all of your databases share the same settings, or does each database have its own settings?

Assuming it is the latter, then I'm not really following. You can have as many sending accounts as you like and choose your desired one when sending (and each database can have a different default account).

Xequte Software
Bruce23 Posted - Mar 04 2012 : 09:41:21
Please read my other response in this similar topic.

What is actually needed is the ability to set up sending from databases via different accounts rather than all sending being handled from one account.

Running multiple versions of MLK does not work flawlessly and is less than adequate for true corporate environments.

Why is this such a hard thing to implement? The receiving of email through multiple accounts is not that much different than the sending of email from specified accounts.

You indicate in your posting of 2 years ago that this has been on the "to do" list for some time. Why not implement this and get into the corporate world. Today with text messaging, twitter, linked in, yelp, and more there is a terrific opportunity being missed by MLK to handle corporate needs.

When we send from specific departments within corporations it must be sent from that division office. It cannot be sent from a general all encompassing mailbox. Sending responses and e-news needs to be more specific both for the corporation sending the information and the recipient who receives it and often wants to reply.

Having only one email account for sending, and then running multiple copies of MLK tied to different databases, as you have seen from my two emails, does not work without errors. The more instances of MLK running even though they are tied to complete different databases, is problematic with each new instance running.

MLK could be an information powerhouse for corporations but is hindered by this inability to send from different email accounts. Why not implement this??
xequte Posted - Mar 04 2012 : 01:11:59

I'm afraid there is no option that prevents a member from belonging to multiple databases (only to multiple groups) as each database is unaware of the other ones.

The Business version allows you to specify multiple mail servers/accounts. It will send to each in turn.

Xequte Software