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 Multiuse webform and MLK

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bruce23 Posted - Jan 17 2011 : 21:13:05
Okay my last post for this evening - promise.

In our corporate environment we post multiuse web forms - these are forms where there is more than one action available for the customers.

For example, you post on the website a particular group of products, so for my example I pick desks. - So the webform on the page gives the customers the opportunity to fill it out and request various things;

Perhaps things like this:
1) Please send me information about your oak credenzas (so the autoresponder send the response with a PDF attached showing pricing, styles etc)
But there are other fields including:
2) Would you like a full catalog emailed to you? (The customer also selects this and the autoresponder then sends another PDF with a catalog of all kinds of merchandise)
Another field:
3) Would you like to sign up for our newsletter? (The customer selects this option as well and is added to the Group - "newsletter" and an opt in confirmation is sent.

You can see the opportunities here. The customer fills the multiuse webform ONE TIME but when they submit it, a variety of emails are sent back to the customer.

I was wondering if others have used MLK to handle these types of multiuse webforms and what have been the results. Do the multiuse webforms work well? Do customers receive all the autoresponses or just 1? Does anyone have any experiences to share that can assist me in understanding further, how the autoresponder functions or what errors to avoid when designing the multiuse forms.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bruce23 Posted - Feb 12 2011 : 12:52:16
Just to update everyone and close this message off.

Right now MLK will not accomplish this task.
xequte Posted - Jan 19 2011 : 00:42:16
Hi Bruce

With most web form scripts you can specify the same name for all your checkboxes and they will appear as one field in the web submission message, for example
Checkbox 1 for Catalog: Name: "Group", Value: "Catalog"
Checkbox 2 for Newsletter: Name: "Group", Value: "Newsletter"

Then add a hidden field for "Action: Subscribe" and other fields for the user to specify name, email address, etc.

For each of your groups create a welcome message. Then when MLK processes the subscribe the relevant welcome message will be sent.

Xequte Software