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 What is Eva Air Name Change Policy?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Finn smith Posted - Jun 25 2024 : 04:04:28
Eva Airlines has derived great prominence in the aviation domain worldwide. The Canada-based air transporter looks forward to delivering unmatchable traveling services by implementing the world-standard parameters. Concerning the name change policy, the airline considers it as an opportunity to show agility, professionalism, and excellence in the corporate world. By allowing customers for name corrections, Eva Airlines establishes reliable service protocols and appreciable milestones to be in the driver’s seat.
As per the respective policy, Eva permits its honorable clients to conduct essential name changes in the PNR. You can get along with a flexible procedure to achieve the same objective without incurring troubles. Underneath, here’re some crucial pointers about the policy you should analyze:
The Eva Airlines name change policy allows visitors to correct the misspelled name on the ticket.
The carrier allows customers to conduct name changes up to 2 hours before departure.
This service is available for fare types, except for basic fare.
The policy applies free of cost if you make corrections within 24 hours of booking.
Further, only minor changes (up to 3 characters) are permissible.
A Eva passenger can choose either online or offline platforms to make name corrections.
When a visitor’s name is changed after marriage/divorce, he/she can modify it free of cost by submitting a relevant document.
Moreover, Eva clients can opt for customer service for immediate assistance