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 What is American Airlines Name Change Policy?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Finn smith Posted - Jun 24 2024 : 06:40:18
American Airlines has a specific policy regarding name changes on tickets. The American Airlines Name Change Policy says for minor name corrections to fix typographical errors, such as misspellings or minor discrepancies between the name on the ticket and the traveler's official identification. However, American Airlines does not permit full name changes or transferring a ticket to another person.

For minor corrections, customers are advised to contact American Airlines customer service as soon as possible. This can usually be done through their website, via phone, or at an American Airlines ticket counter. It is important to provide the booking reference number and the correct name as it appears on the traveler's official identification. Depending on the nature of the correction, there might be a fee associated with the change.

If a name change is necessary due to marriage, divorce, or a legal name change, American Airlines may require additional documentation, such as a marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court order, to process the request. Even in these cases, the policy does not allow for the transfer of the ticket to a different person entirely.

It's crucial to address any name discrepancies well before the travel date to avoid potential issues at the airport. For detailed and specific guidance, it’s recommended to review the terms and conditions on the American Airlines website or contact their customer service directly.
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laisei33 Posted - Jul 26 2024 : 17:21:28
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