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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Darren Bailey Posted - Jul 18 2022 : 03:15:56
Essay requirements:
- Statement of the problem
- Presenting your own point of view
- Argumentation with facts
- Theoretical justification
- Use of terms
- Use of quotations
- Presentation of different points of view
- Independence and individuality
- Logicality
- Use of comparison and generalization
- Literacy

Algorithm of essay writing:

1. Choose the closest and most understandable topic, in the disclosure of which you can show your knowledge, erudition, creativity.

2. Formulate the meaning of the onlineclasshelp reviews. It means that it is necessary to remember the material on the designated problem, to write out a number of concepts with which it is possible to work within the framework of the given topic. It is necessary to highlight the main idea and determine within which topic or section the reasoning will follow.

Make an outline of the essay in free form, i.e., give free rein to everything that "wants" to be written, including concepts, contradictions, associations, quotations, theses, examples, opinions, arguments of scientific and everyday character, names, events, underwritten thoughts...

3. articulate one's position on an issue and viewpoints on it. Apply the words:

"It should be considered true that...", "It can be refuted by the fact that...", "One can (not) agree with the author that...", "It seems true at first sight...", "It is refuted by the fact that...", etc.

Theoretically justify your position.

Explain his/her position by applying theoretical, scientific knowledge of the topic, correctly using necessary terms and concepts. The use of quotations or references to the words of famous scientists, comparison of different points of view on the given problem to strengthen your position is welcomed.

5. Provide concrete examples to support your position. The example should be concrete, i.e. describing a specific situation with a specific actor.

Examples (at least 2-3) should be given using existing knowledge of history, social studies, literature, and other sciences. Examples should support the position chosen, not contradict it.

6. Summarize all of the above: "Thus, the given scientific statements (points of view accepted in science, theories, data, etc.), examples, confirm that ...

7. Complete the reasoning with your point of view.

The most common mistakes made:
Not disclosing the problem being raised.
Not expressed in my own position.
No theoretical reasoning.
The terms used are introduced incorrectly, illiterately.
Examples contradict the stated position of the essay's author.
No generalization.
Logic and coherence of the presentation are violated.
The essence of the problem is misunderstood.

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Angela20 Posted - Jun 03 2024 : 04:56:01
In terms of generating interesting topics for engineering research proposals, one effective approach is to focus on new technologies and their potential impact. Consider studying topics such as renewable energy systems, artificial intelligence in manufacturing, or sustainable infrastructure development. These areas not only offer exciting research opportunities but also address pressing global challenges. For inspiration and recommendations, you can visit this resource https://www.phdresearchproposal.org/engineering-research-proposal-topics/ which I recently learned about. It offers a wide range of topics and ideas to help you refine your ideas and develop a compelling research proposal. Remember, the key is to align your interests with current needs and trends in the field to achieve maximum relevance and impact.
willwilliam009 Posted - May 02 2024 : 04:31:57
Writing essays can be complicated, especially when there are so many specific guidelines to follow that are meant to guarantee accuracy and nuance in your writing. The true art is in how you combine and balance these components to create a compelling argument; following these guidelines is merely the tip of the iceberg. More advice on qualitative research topics may prove invaluable for individuals who are struggling with the nuances of theoretical justifications or the appropriate use of quotations. Examining resources such as https://thesisgeek.com/blog/qualitative-research-topics/ insights on qualitative research topics can add a level of complexity and depth to your essays. These resources not only provide an abundance of knowledge on developing thorough arguments, but they also enhance your writing, guaranteeing that it reflects both a personal touch and academic rigor.

BanMiller Posted - Apr 29 2024 : 05:36:22
I wish our school had honed writing skills so well. So as a student I often asked https://www.phdresearchproposal.org/engineering-research-proposal-topics/ to help me with my writing. Which was a great help.
MarcoGrun Posted - Apr 22 2024 : 00:52:47
Need a reliable essay writing service? Look no further! Our platform connects you with professional writers who excel in crafting custom essays tailored to your needs. Whether it's a research paper, a critical analysis, order an essay www.essayshark.com , we've got you covered. With our easy-to-use order system, you can specify your requirements and deadlines, ensuring timely delivery of high-quality work. Rest assured, all our writers are skilled experts with proven track records in academic writing. Don't let stress get the better of you – order your essay today and experience the difference professionalism makes!